Mdsolids for mac
Mdsolids for mac

Mdsolids for mac

These explanations can help students develop the thought processes used in solving mechanics of materials problems. Many of the MDSolids modules provide extra explanations to describe in words how the calculations are performed. MDSolids is an 'electronic solutions manual,' giving not only the correct solution for a particular problem but also providing intermediate solutions that can be used to confirm the problem solving approach. Sketches are used to show the direction of internal stresses, applied loads, and reaction forces. Each MDSolids routine features a picture, sketch, or plot that graphically depicts important aspects of the problem. Within the modules, each routine solves types of problems typically found in all mechanics of materials textbooks.

Mdsolids for mac

Twelve modules pertaining to a wide range of common textbook problems are presently available: basic stress and strain concepts, trusses, statically indeterminate axial structures, torsion, determinate beams, section properties, general analysis (of axial, torsion, and beam members), combined loadings, column buckling, pressure vessels, and Mohr's circle transformations. MDSolids has routines pertaining to all of the topics taught in a typical mechanics of materials course.

Mdsolids for mac

MDSolids is also very useful to the practicing engineer who is needs a quick, easy-to-use tool for basic engineering calculations. MDSolids explains and solves a wide variety of engineering problems commonly found in the mechanics of materials course. MDSolids is educational software designed to assist engineering students in the introductory mechanics of materials course.

Mdsolids for mac